Sunday, July 1, 2012


Mini Liberty Hats.  These hats made an appearance on Channel 12 news!  :]
Do I have a blog???...No, I don't have a blog.  Well, until now.   I gave in and finally joined the ranks of thousands of people who think they have something exceptional to share.  My life is relatively normal, mostly quiet, and I claim no supernatural powers to manufacture the magnificent. However...I am crazy and have "mad" manual dexterity skills.  My thoughts run all night long and I am constantly plagued by the creative workings of my brain.   I have the need to create! Seriously, it is not like this is a hobby or something I passively enjoy is a monster that manifests its self in everything I do.  No joke, it is like a chocolate craving! Or even itch you can't scratch. It's like breathing to me.  I am always working on several projects at the same time and constantly on the prowl for a new one.  I love to host a party.  I enjoy cooking something that is as visually fantastic as it is pleasing to the taste buds.   I use an unreal amount of hot glue each month. My sewing machine is as dear as a friend as any girl can ask for. I want to paint everything. (Yes, even if it is new!) I can't ever find my scissors. And, I'm usually not completely honest to my husband about how much money I have spent at the craft store!  :]
Over the last several years I have had many people who ask me why I did not have a blog. Simply put, I don't put anything out to the Internet world because I am weak and can't emotionally handle rejection!  Plus, a chimp could understand how to make this computer work better than I do! All things aside...circumstance has lead me here and I enter it cautiously and a little hesitant.  Remember, I hate rejection!

1 comment:

  1. Shellie I am so glad you started a blog!!! You will soon join the rankings of my google reader (google reader tells me which blogs have updated and my favorites I read) as well as all my family and friends as soon as I tell them you are finally online :)You are without a doubt THE most talented and crafty person I know. So glad I will get to keep up and copy all those fab ideas you have running through your head. Love ya!
