Wednesday, May 1, 2013


 Last, but certainly not least...  Dessert.  On Cinco de Mayo only means  one thing to me...Chocolate Nachos!!!! YUM!!!!  Now you can go about this in one of two ways.  My Mother's method (that means all homemade) or mine and you cheat a little.  Come on, Ma...I know your heart aches a tiny bit when I don't do it all homemade.  But, seriously...sometimes "ain't nobody got time for that!"  My crazy Mother taught me to make a chip that is chocolate flavored as a base for these delightful Chocolate Nachos.  
They are wonderful and make the nachos look and taste extra chocolaty.  However, when I am in a hurry (most of the time!) I purchase cinnamon chips and drizzle melted chocolate over them. (Cheater alert!) Once the chocolate has set, I serve it the same way she does.  We like ice cream, homemade fudge, caramel, whipped cream, a sprinkle of cinnamon and/or a super small pinch of cayenne pepper , and the best part...the cherry!  Either way you make them, these Chocolate Nachos are the perfect way to end a glorious "south of the border" inspired meal.  
They are D-lish!  You might not have room after your meal for this tasty nacho dessert...may I suggest a tiny interim siesta!

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